Importance of Heart and some simple Ayurvedic tips to maintain a healthy heart

September 28, 2021
New Delhi, September 28, 2021:

“The heart being one of the most important organs of the body without which one’s body cannot survive. With changing times it has become even more crucial to maintain a healthy heart where around 52% are cardiovascular deaths which take place before the age of 70. Heart attacks have taken a serious toll in the past two decades; we have witnessed ‘heart disease’ becoming the leading cause of mortality across the globe.

A heart attack is caused by the deposition of fatty and calcified plaque in the coronary arteries, which hinder the flow of the blood and are the main reason for heart attack, heart ailments don’t occur overnight, they are built up over the years, depending on lifestyle, food pattern, exercise and much more. Some contributing factors that can cause a heart attack are high blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, family history, unhealthy lifestyles like eating habits, and smoking/drinking.

It is extremely essential to prevent piling up toxins in the artery which can be done by taking antioxidants daily. Curcumin in Turmeric (Haldi), helps in improving these endothelial functions. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is an extraordinarily strong antioxidant. Thus, improves the flexibility and capacity of arteries, if taken daily for years and years.

To maintain a healthy heart and prevent any ailments, according to Ayurveda one should follow a healthy diet by:

Including: Lots of vegetables such as ridge gourd (Turia), bottle gourd (dudhi), ivy gourd (tendli), Snake gourd (padwal), pumpkin, leafy vegetables, etc and proteins such as green gram ( mung), lentils, tofu, millet, rice, barley, etc in one’s diet as they help dissolve toxins and blockages from the arteries at a fast pace. 

One’s combination should be 60 percent vegetables, 30 percent proteins, and 10 percent carbohydrates.

Excluding: Sour foods tomatoes, all sour fruits (oranges, pineapples, lemons, grapefruits, any kinds of vinegar, etc.) Heavy to digest foods such as Maida, red meat – are hard to digest and increase cholesterol in the body. Wheat, fermented or fermentation increasing foods such as yogurt, alcohol, cheese (especially old and hard ones)

One can also incorporate this simple home remedy recipe in their daily routine by consuming it twice a day to maintain a healthy heart:

Mix 1/2 tsp. Ginger juice and ½ tsp. Garlic juice with warm water. 

To try to bring a change in lifestyle and go for a daily walk for 30-45 minutes which would improve the heart functions and also help reduce cholesterol and weight.

Following these simple tips will surely lead to a healthy heart and lifestyle.”


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