Three children with complex heart disease adopted on Janmashtami

August 23, 2019


New Delhi, August 23, 2019 :

Krishna is depicted by blue colour with yellow cloths and a flute in the hand. Blue mean vastness and that nothing is impossible. Yellow means we can do it provided we do it with humility (flute).

In terms of heart disease in children blue means lack of oxygen and cyanosis. Newborns with complex heart disease often have a blue nails and clubbing. These children early correction.

On this Janmashtami Heart Care Foundation of India (Sameer Malik Heart Care Foundation Fund) with the help of Medanta Hospital adopted three children for surgery. These children Hariom (9 years), Sumit 6 months and Rashmi 12 years are suffering from complex congenital heart disease and needed surgical intervention. They come from Bihar, Barely and Azamgarh.

The surgery will be done by Medanta Hospital under Dr Naresh Trehan. Our work is only a drop in the ocean as 1% of the children are born with congenital heart disease.

Krishna is nothing but the consciousness and we all have the same consciousness. These three children have the same consciousness as in you and me.

Dr K K Aggarwal said , “I am personally grateful to my mother Satya Wati (who is 95 now) who gave me birth on Janmashtami and named me Krishan.”

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