Diagnosis and therapeutic approach is essential in vulvar pruritus

June 6, 2020



New Delhi, June 06, 2020 :

Vulvar pruritus is a common symptom that often noticeably impairs the affected women’s quality of life. This analysis is based on relevant publications that were retrieved by a selective search in MEDLINE/PubMed for articles on the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of vulvar pruritus.

Vulvovaginal candidiasis is the most common cause of vulvar pruritus followed by chronic dermatoses, such as vulvar eczema and lichen sclerosus.

In refractory cases, an invasive or pre-invasive lesion such as squamous epithelial dysplasia (VIN, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia) should also be considered in the differential diagnosis. Infection, atrophy, and vulvodynia are few rarer causes.

The main basics of treatment are topical/oral antimycotic drugs and high-potency glucocorticoids, along with regular simple moisturizing care and the prevention of potential triggering factors.

The review concluded that as vulvar pruritus has various causes, standardization of its diagnostic assessment and treatment should be necessary to achieve ideal efficacy and to improve the quality of life in women who suffer from this condition.

Source: Woelber L, Prieske K, Mendling W, Schmalfeldt B, Tietz HJ, Jaeger A. Vulvar pruritus-Causes, Diagnosis and Therapeutic Approach. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2020; 116(8):126‐133. doi:10.3238/arztebl.2020.0126

Author : Dr K K Aggarwal,

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