Dos and Don’ts to keep your skin healthy and festive ready

September 21, 2021
Bengaluru/Chandigarh, September 21, 2021:

As monsoon has come to an end and we have the festive season knocking our door. It is the ideal opportunity to elevate your spirits and bond with your family to feel and put your best self forward. Very much like we prep up our homes and our closet for the bubbly season, our skin too should be in any way prepared to parade that wonderful sparkle.

To get ready for the festive glow, we must take care of our skin from any damage or dullness. Glowing skin is a sign of a healthy body. And, hence, to keep it fresh and healthy, one must follow a proper skincare routine along with a good diet. As festivities are on the way, eating sweets and junk is obvious and it may lead to various skin related problems.

Here are some dos and don’ts that can help you to keep your skin healthy and festive ready.


  • Balanced Diet and Hydrate: A healthy and balanced diet plays a vital role in your lifestyle. A proper nutritious diet helps provide you with necessary and required nutrition to keep your body fit as well to enhance your skin health. It is important to drink 3-4litres of fluid every day. Staying hydrated helps the skin glow, keeps it soft and plump.
  • Do not miss out on sunscreen: Even in a cloudy or winter morning, the visible presence of the sun does not guarantee the absence of UV rays. Hence, it is necessary to protect the skin from harmful rays every day. Be it a cloudy day or a winter morning, the visible presence of the sun does not guarantee the absence of UV rays, therefore, it is necessary to always protect your skin from harmful rays. Must include sunscreen in your daily life for younger-looking and healthy skin.
  • Sleep well: 6-8 hours of sound sleep is important for your body and skin to get rid of stress and fatigue. Also, try and practice destressing activities like meditation and yoga for healthier skin. It boosts blood circulation and helps in relaxing the body.
  • Eat fruits rich in Vitamin C: Fruits rich in vitamin C have high antioxidants content. Antioxidants helps in preventing radical activities. Excessive radical activity can leave the skill dull and wrinkly. Fruits like Peach, Oranges, Berries are abundant in vitamin C.
  • Eat more seeds: Sunflower, pumpkin, flax seeds, chia seeds are rich in Vitamin E. Vitamin E keeps the skin young, fresh, and supple.


  • Do not ‘over exfoliate’: To get rid of dead skin and impurities hidden in pores, exfoliating is important. However, over-exfoliation might result in rashes and irritation. To keep the skin healthy, over-exfoliation must be avoided. Always go for a gentle exfoliator.
  • Never sleep with makeup on: Makeup products contain lots of chemicals and sleeping with makeup combined with day’s dirt on can possibly damage the skin and make it dull. It can also lead to infection or irritation.
  • Say no to fried and oily foods: In festivities, it is difficult to maintain distance from oily and fried foods but do not forget that it makes the skin deprived of its sheen and saggy. Keep monitoring the intake of such foods to maintain your skin health.
  • Avoid Popping Pimples: To keep your skin acne-free, one must avoid popping pimples. It may cause irritation and infection. Also, popping zits can cause spots, scars and worsening of pimples. Try using home remedies or consult a dermatologist for better treatment.


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