The Actual Truth Around Laser Hair Reduction

August 31, 2018

(Representational Image)

New Delhi, August 31, 2018:

Laser hair reduction has been there around for more than a couple of decades. And world over millions of people have been benefited by it.

When it comes to country like India, there are yet abundant confusions, misconceptions and false apprehensions.

And this grows even further when one moves out of metro cities.

There are a lots of myths and queries generated by lack of complete information. To begin with:

  1. Myth: Are there any long term side effects of Laser Hair Reduction on the skin

Truth: This is one of most common question asked by ones who want to go for Laser Hair Reduction (LHR). The fact is if it is a good diode laser like the latest Light Sheer Desire, the effectiveness and the outcome of the treatment increases. Besides reducing hair, it also improves the health of your skin. The skin becomes more supple and radiant. This happens because of the energy delivered at the level of hair roots which gives a boost to the collagen in the dermis where the roots lie.

  1. Myth: The effects of Laser Hair Reduction are short lived and effects get reversed at times.

Truth: The kind of technology being used in the treatment goes a long way in deciding the efficiency of the treatment. Patients need to be aware of the distinctions between efficient and inefficient technology which is being used on them. A premium technology with an experienced practitioner, are the two most important elements in deciding the results of the treatment. Sometimes, rebound growth might occur due to an individual’s hormonal status, which needs to be assessed and managed adequately.

  1. Myth: Lots of precautions are required once you start with lasers; like not going into the sun at all

Truth: While your doctor may advise you Sun protection for a few days but sensitisation is usually a problem with inferior technologies. Due to lack of stringent laws many non- qualified centres are claiming to be laser specialists. The treatment is done using premium and latest advanced technology can easily resolve your issues specially the latest technology of Lightsheer desire

  1. Myth: One cannot go for parlour procedures after laser hair reduction.

 Truth: After a gap of few days, one can easily go on for parlour procedures. However, there is a need for a consultation with your doctor.

  1. Myth: Laser treatments damage the skin besides causing hair reduction.

Truth: Again the technology and experience comes into play. One needs to be aware that there is a difference between IPL (Intense pulsed light) devices and lasers. The difference between the two is huge when it comes to the investment; so is the difference in the efficiency quotients. While IPL may show some results in the initial sessions, but the number of sessions required are much more in comparison to lasers. The long term results are negligible with more risk of burns. Lumenis LightSheer Desire, in comparison requires less no. of sittings and is safe as it has a ChillTip Integrated cooling technology. With ChillTip, the skin is cooled before and during treatment. It is then compressed and the laser beam is directed to the skin.

  1. Myth: The procedure is painful.

Truth: With an experienced certified practitioner, the procedure is more than comfortable. With there is a smaller hand piece which is meant for areas like face which has got a sapphire chill tip which cools your skin throughout the treatment.

Whereas the bigger hand piece which is meant for bigger areas is vacuum assisted. Which means every time the shot is fired the skin will be pulled in slightly resulting in a transient numbing effect as well as more targeted delivery of laser beam because of slight reduction in competing chromosphere that is haemoglobin.


Dr. Shweta Virmani


Formerly at Department of Dermatology SMMH Medical College Saharanpur Consultant Dermatologist and Aesthetic Surgeon.





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