30 minute-redressal mechanism ruled by NGT in noise pollution may be the answer for patient-doctor redressal at establishment level

August 3, 2019


New Delhi, August 3, 2019:

The Government of NCT of Delhi has launched an exclusive website for receiving and distributing information to the public related to noise pollution as directed by National Green Tribunal (NGT). Last year, the NGT had asked for the creation of an exclusive website for receiving and dissemination information to the public for creating awareness and dealing with the issue of noise pollution vide order dated 27.9.18 in OA No. 519/2016titled Hardeep Singh & Ors vs SDMC & Ors.

The main features and flow chart of the website are as follows:

The complainant will visit the website ngms.delhi.gov.in to login and to select the concerned police station and to register the complaint. A complaint number will be generated and complainant will get an sms/email alert and contact number of the SHO concerned. Also an sms alert will be sent to the concerned SHO for immediate action. The ACP and SDM concerned shall also be intimated by sms alert for monitoring purpose.


The concerned SHO has to resolve the grievance within 30 minutes of receiving of complaint. An sms/email alert will be sent to the complainant regarding redressal of complaint. In case of failure to resolve the complaint within 30 minutes, the complaints will be escalated to ACP and SDM concerned who will resolve the complaint in the next 30 minutes and sms/email alert will be sent to the complainant regarding redressal of complaint. The complainant will have the option to submit his feedback whether he is satisfied or not. If he will opt for Not satisfied, then complaint will escalate automatically to next level.

This website will help the complainant to resolve his grievance in a time bound manner and will get timely alerts with the option to submit his feedback in a user friendly and transparent manner.

This is a very good step taken by the NGT.

While it specifically addresses noise pollution, this should be the approach taken for an amicable settlement of problems pertaining to any issue.

It shows us the way to tackle the various concerns of the patients and restore the trust in the doctor-patient relationship, which has corroded over the last few years.

A Grievances Redressal mechanism should be established in every hospital or health care establishment, where the patients and their relatives can seek redressal for their grievances regarding treatment or any other concern. It should also cater to the needs of the healthcare providers.

The Grievances Redressal cell should address every grievance reported to it in a time bound manner. If not resolved at the state level, it should be heard by a higher authority, which should also resolve the complaint within a specific time frame.

If we don’t self-regulate, then sooner or later the judiciary or government will. And, we will be left with no choice but to comply with the order. Such decisions should be taken by the medical profession itself.

Dr KK Aggarwal

Healthy Soch

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