49-year-old woman gives new life to 5 people by donating her organs

December 18, 2020



New Delhi, December 18, 2020 :

In a very inspiring situation, a 49-year-old brain dead patient has given a new life to 5 people by donating her organs. Manjula (name changed) who met with an accident on December 13, 2020 breathed her last in Columbia Asia Hospital Hebbal on December 15, 2020. Immediately her family came forward to donate her organs which helped in saving the life of 5 people.

Manjula hailing from Yelahanka met with a road accident on December 13 near the Bangalore airport. She was immediately taken to a nearby hospital for treatment and was later referred to Columbia Asia Hospital Hebbal for further treatment.

When the patient was brought to Columbia Asia Hospital Hebbal, doctors immediately examined her and realised that she had traumatic brain injury. Patient was unresponsive, her blood pressure was low and there was no brain activity. She was immediately put on ventilator. However, due to the severity of her brain injury she could not be saved.

Understanding the situation, immediately her family members came forward to donate her organs.

This cadaver organ donation was performed in association with Jeevasarthakathe, the State’s nodal agency that facilitates cadaver organ donations. The organs were sent to different hospitals in the city. Liver was sent to BGS Hospital, left kidney was sent to Apollo Hospital, Right kidney was used for a patient in Columbia Asia Hospital Hebbal, Heart to Jayadeva Hospital and Eyes were sent to Narayana Nethralaya.





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