CallHealth introduces Ambulance Booking feature on its  Everything-About-Health Platform

March 17, 2021

Integrates ambulance providers; Simplifies booking; Optimizes Cost



Hyderabad/ New Delhi , March 17, 2021:

CallHealth a customer convenience platform for healthcare needs, is amplifying its patient centric services and bridging the missing links by aggregating a critical and much needed feature – access to Ambulances, on a click. This feature will mitigate patient’s distress, while ensuring a hassle free and comfortable commuting to and from.

True to its intent of being a single platform for Everything about Health, CallHealth has integrated multiple ambulance providers to enable easy and timely access to patients. The current scope empowers patients to plan and reach the medical facility of their choice.

The services from CallHealth will initially be available in Hyderabad and will expand across India in a phased manner, beginning with the neighboring states and will also be gradually integrating real time information of ambulances so that the customers will know the exact ETA of the ambulance and live-track its movements.

Initially, we intend to help customers Discover the Ambulance Providers and understand their commercials. Shortly, we will progress to a real time integration of the ambulances so that customers can precisely predict the ETA and live-track the movement of the ambulance. This will provide enormous convenience for the patients, coupled with the much needed confidence in the service, said Hari Thalapalli, CEO, CallHealth.

 CallHealth will enable users to access more than 300 ambulances across 5 categories ranging from Basic Ambulance, Advance Ambulance, Patient Transport, Special Service ambulances and Air ambulance, which will best suit their need.

  • The Basic ambulance is meant for transporting a patient post their basic surgeries, non-emergency cases like small fractures and dizziness, discharged patients etc., will have pulse oximetry and oxygen delivery devices, besides patient bed.
  • The Advance ambulance equipped with ventilator, ECG, monitoring devices and paramedic staff is meant for critical patients like those with spine injuries, brain or cardiac strokes, requiring extreme medical monitoring, ventilation, IV administration etc.
  • Patient Transport ambulances will cater to non-emergency and discharged patients and will have patient bed and other life-support devices.
  • The Special Service ambulances are for premature and sick babies.
  • Air Ambulances contain ventilators, defibrillators, infusion pumps, balloon pumps, oxygen cylinders, trained doctors & nurses.


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