Catch the initial stage of brain tumour

June 7, 2020

Author :Dr. Ashish Shrivastav, Senior Consultant, Neurosurgeon, Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital



New Delhi, June 07, 2020 :

The population in general has first hand knowledge of brain tumour  from movies or serials, where the protagonist  either dies in the end or comes out with successful surgery, with  bald head and a large bandage, and happy ending prevails. Even in real life, large section of the society does not have adequate knowledge about brain tumours. There is a misconception that every tumour will either kill or result in coma with multiple problems, mental and physical. A mass awareness effort for the public is needed. A large majority of the brain tumours can be treated successfully.Most patients go back to their normal life. According to a study, central nervous system tumours’ incidence in India ranges from around 5 to 10 cases per 1,00,000 population. Although a severe disease,  adequate knowledge and timely treatment can save many lives.

Not all tumours are cancerous:-

  • Non cancerous tumours are called benign
  • Cancerous tumours are called malignant.

Symptoms not to ignore:- The symptoms of a brain tumour depend on its location in the brain, because each part of the brain controls the specific functions in the body. The symptoms also depends on the rate of growth and the rapidity with which the pressure rises inside the brain.

Not all headaches are due to tum ours.

Features with suggest that the symptoms may be of a brain tumour.

  • Severe headache not relived by common medicines.
  • Headache with persisting or projectile vomiting
  • Alterd sensorium or loss of consciousness.
  • Unexplained confusion even in normal things
  • Seizures or fits in an adult.
  • Blurring of vision
  • Impaired hearing or abnormal sounds in the ear.
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Drastic behavioural changes
  • Difficulty in balancing

What causes brain tumour:-

Till date the cause for brain tumour is not establish though many theories are being persued. However this has not prevented increasingly successful treatment

Dr. Anurag Saxena, Senior Consultant and Clinical Lead, Neurosurgery and Spine Surgery, Narayana Hospital, Gurugram :-

Brain is that essential organ in human body which is responsible for functioning of other organs as well. Even a minor issue in brain can bring drastic change in health, behaviour etc. and create other problems. Hence here first and foremost concern should be to make brain health prime and ensure its proper functioning. Lack of proper knowledge about brain tumours may lead to more complications hence awareness is needed, as a large number of cases are not reported in early stage when disease is curable and chances of going back to normal life very much prevail. Talking about my own experience, I come across around 2 to 3 cases related to brain tumours per week which includes new cases with minor to major headache and other symptoms which may lead to diagnosis of brain tumour and also follow ups after surgery,

Edible medicines can treat Brain tumours :-

While some brain tumours need urgent surgeries, in few cases surgeries can be avoided with medicines. Yes, this fact surprises many but this is truth, edible medicines can also cure particular type of brain tumours. Not all brain tumours are alike. Cases can vary according to age and other factors involved in those cases we doctors keep taking follow ups timely and keep monitoring the tumour. Overall Hence the treatment of every tumour is decided by the location, size stages etc of tumours. The treatment of brain tumours can include microscopic or endoscopic surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, etc. Apart from that ongoing progress in medical science and technology have made treatment more advanced and chances of patient’s coming to normal lives are getting higher. Undoubtedly still after some major surgeries there is little risk of getting complications like weakness, hormonal imbalance, impaired vision or other problems, but in most cases after timely and proper required treatments patients not even come back to their daily routine rather they lead healthy lives as well.

Treatment of brain tumour requires patience and cooperation with the patient. Strong emotional support of family members and friends is required for such patients as any type of mental pressure or stress can lead to more complications. Help such patients in keeping positive attitude and healing.


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