Cricket legend Kapil Dev released the Hindi version of Vivek Atray’s book “Finding Success Within”

June 13, 2021

Kapil Dev released the Hindi version of “Finding Success Within” virtually.



New Delhi, June 13, 2021 :

The book is titled “Safalta ki Antarik Khoj” and encapsulates 52 important Life Skills and Career Skills for the youth. Kapil Dev said on the occasion, “Vivek Atray is not only my dear friend but has also been writing so well, with the human element of society being the soul of his writings ”

Written in an easy to read style with short but lucidly written chapters, Atray’s book urges youngsters to try and win the battle of the mind. “True inner peace and contentment come from inner, not outer, victories” says Atray while quoting Paramahansa Yogananda, author of the Autobiography of a Yogi

Essential skills like Communication and public speaking skills have been outlined in the book along with higher skills like meditation and mindfulness. The need to balance the body, mind and soul is the key, says Atray.

Material success does not provide lasting happiness, but the quest for inner joy brings worldly success too, he says, quoting the scriptures. Creativity and all round skills have also been emphasized by Atray in the book, as essential factors for success.

Both the English and Hindi versions of Finding Success Within by Vivek Atray are available on Amazon at this link. The book has been published by Invincible Publishers.


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