New Delhi, April 01, 2019 :
Rotary District 3011, New Delhi with lead club Rotary Club of Delhi Safdarjung and 5 other clubs of zone 1 viz. RCD Cama Place ,RCD Chanakyapuri, RCD Garden City ,RCD Sainik Farms and RCD South organized a District INTER CITY Health Symposium 2019 at Teen Murthi Auditorium , New Delhi.
The Chief Guest was District Governor Vinay Bhatia and Guest of Honour was Cine Star Jackie Shroff who is an ardent supporter for the cause of Thalassemia.
The Health Symposium encompassed Speakers on the major Health Issues very relevant to our Country. The eminent Speakers were Dr H K Chopra a Cardiologist Senior Consultant Mool Chand Medicity, Dr Anil Handoo,( Director Pathology on Thalassemia & its Preventions ) Senior Consultant BLK Hospital & Ms Gayathri Venugopalan –Head of DATRI –Stem Cell Donor Registrations .
The audience was very involved and receptive to the lucid presentations of the experts .The talk on Stem Cells was very informative rather Path Breaking. The audience loved the way Cine Star Jackie Shroff spoke on Health Issues and creating awareness on Prevention of Thalassemia. He gave very simple solutions for spreading the message amongst the masses .He advised audience that not only he but all sitting in the audience are the ambassadors for the cause of Thalassemia.He requested Rotary Club to take up the cause of Thalassemia as they have done for Polio .He profusely praised the Rotary Clubs for doing commendable Job across the world in aleviating human sufferings and promised to come on every occasion Rotary wants him to . He mingled with the crowed,clicked photographs with members of the audience especially the children and women members .
The question answer session was with open mind and was very lively.The Symposium was supported by Thalassemics India ,Narayana Health, BIO-RAD & DATRI
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