Draft Charter of patient rights, Explain everything in detail to the patient

September 3, 2018

New Delhi, September 03, 2018 :

The Health Ministry released the draft of a “charter of patient rights” prepared by National Human Rights Commission (NHRC). The draft is in public domain for comments and suggestions for a period of 30 days. The ministry plans to implement the charter through state governments for provision of proper health care to patients by clinical establishments. The charter includes 17 rights of patients (as follows) along with the description of the rights and duty bearers.

  1. Right to information
  2. Right to records and reports
  3. Right to emergency medical care
  4. Right to informed consent
  5. Right to confidentiality, human dignity and privacy
  6. Right to second opinion
  7. Right to transparency in rates, and care according to prescribed rates wherever relevant
  8. Right to nondiscrimination
  9. Right to safety and quality care according to standards
  10. Right to choose alternative treatment options, if available
  11. Right to choose source for obtaining medicines or tests
  12. Right to proper referral and transfer, which is free from perverse commercial influences
  13. Right to protection for patients involved in clinical trials
  14. Right to protection of participants involved in biomedical and health research
  15. Right to take discharge of patient, or receive body of deceased from hospital
  16. Right to patient education
  17. Right to be heard and seek redressal

Along with promoting their rights, the charter also states that “patients and caretakers should follow their responsibilities so that hospitals and doctors can perform their work satisfactorily”.

  1. “Patients should provide all required health related information to their doctor, in response to the doctor’s queries without concealing any relevant information, so that diagnosis and treatment can be facilitated.
  2. Patients should cooperate with the doctor during examination, diagnostic tests and treatment, and should follow doctor’s advice, while keeping in view their right to participate in decision making related to treatment.
  3. Patients should follow all instructions regarding appointment time, cooperate with hospital staff and fellow patients, avoid creating disturbance to other patients, and maintain cleanliness in the hospital.
  4. Patients should respect the dignity of the doctor and other hospital staff as human beings and as professionals. Whatever the grievance may be, patient / caregivers should not resort to violence in any form and damage or destroy any property of the hospital or the service provider.
  5. The patients should take responsibility for their actions based on choices made regarding treatment options, and in case they refuse treatment (not clear???).”

Additionally, the charter also proposes a recommended mechanism for implementation of Charter of Patient’s Rights and grievance redressal mechanism.

 Inputs by :

Dr K K Aggarwal
President HCFI

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