Healthy Tips for women’s to lead a healthy life

March 7, 2019

International Woman’s Day : 8th March

Balance for Better Fortis Healthcare advocates for the holistic health of women


New Delhi, March 07, 2019 ;
Women form the bedrock of our society. They have a multifaceted role, encompassing handling a career, bringing up a child and managing a household. This year, Fortis Healthcare endorses the theme for International Woman’s Day #Balance for Better, calling for the overall wellbeing of the gender emphasising on how women must take care of themselves, thus giving their best to the society.
It is easy for women to get caught up in the everyday hustle, prioritize there family, career before themselves and in the midst of everything, maintain their calm while multi-tasking,
Ms. Mansi Chaudhary, provides a few quick tips for woman to follow a balanced regime and adequate lifestyle through healthy diet, regular exercises, stress management and preventive check-ups
Recommended Diet and Exercise:
1. One should eat at least six meals in a day, three meals should be major meals (like breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 3 meals should be minor meals (like mid-morning snacks, evening tea & bed time snacks)
2. Major meals must be in balance of carbs, protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, adequate salt and water in-take.
3. Food should contain all the food groups like-cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, fat and oils, sugar, milk and milk products and non-veg (egg, fish and chicken)
4. Fiber is also very necessary for the body, so one should have whole pulses, fruits & cereals to get fiber and B complex vitamins
5. Never skip any meals as it can lead to low glucose levels, acidity and weakness
6. One should engage in at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, five days a week. Brisk walking, aerobics, swimming are cardio options that allow the heart rate to stabilize and help in
maintaining weight
7. Smoking and Alcohol consumption should be completely avoided as they depress nervous
8. Engaging in five minute meditation/ breathing
9. Stretching every two hours at the work place

Dr. Prerna Lakhwani, Consultant, Gynaecologic Oncology says below are the tests which women should undergo every three months/ six months, once a year
1. Breast Cancer Screening – Mammography is suggested for women more than 40 years of age. And Breast Ultrasound for less than 40 years of age. If the woman does not fall under high risk group then once in 2 years. If there is a family history of Breast Cancer then test should be done annually.
2. Cervical Cancer Screening – PAP smear test is suggested once in 3 years for a healthy woman and HPV DNA test in every 5 years. In case of a family history of cervical cancer, PAP smear in 6 months and HPV annually.
3. Lipid Profile (Every six Months) – Lipid profile is suggested once in every 6 months with or without family history. Patients with family history of heart attack, cardiac problems and diabetes are suggested to take this test periodically.
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With input from Dr Monica Vasudev India healthysoch New Delhi,