Heartfulness consecrates Mahabodhi sapling at the world’s largest meditation centre for interfaith unity and peace

September 27, 2024

Representative of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and senior heads of International Buddhist Confederation take part in the consecration



New Delhi,  September 27, 2024:

Heartfulness Institute held a special consecration of Mahabodhi sapling (a descendant of the Mahabodhi tree of Bodh Gaya under which the Buddha attained Enlightenment) in the premises of Kanha Shanti Vanam – the world’s biggest meditation centre in the outskirts of Hyderabad. The celebrations also mark the birth anniversary of Rev. Daaji – Guide of Heartfulness & President of Shri Ram Chandra Mission. Geshe Tenzin Pelchok ,representing His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama; Ven Khemachara Bhikkhu, Deputy Secretary General, International Buddhist Confederation; and Daminda Porage, Additional Secretary General, International Buddhist Confederation (Sri Lanka) graced the occasion as special guests. Buddhist monks from Gaya, Sri Lanka and elsewhere joined the special consecration ceremony.

About 60,000 practitioners from the various corners of the world arrived at Kanha Shanti Vanam and also virtually to witness the consecration ceremony and participate in Heartfulness meditation. The consecration of the Mahabodhi sapling marks a milestone in the Bhandara festivities. The event was also marked by a soulful musical rendition by students of Heartfulness International School followed by felicitation of the esteemed guests and Rev. Daaji.

Geshe Tenzin Pelchok  representing His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lamasaid, “His Holiness the Dalai Lama revolutionised the whole concept of the earlier thoughts on human instincts. He made Universal Compassion the tool for humanity. At Heartfulness too I can feel oneness of all. Since my time in the Global Spirituality Mahotsav, how I wished the two visionary giants – Daaji and His Holiness the Dalai Lama were to meet. They are practical and full of compassion and these people should come together. The term ‘Heartfulness’ reverberates in my mind.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has a similar concept of universal ethics. One question is that is always put to different experts is as to where we are going wrong – while the modern education is to give peace. It is the vacuum in education – which is the lack of compassion and universal ethics. Heartfulness is beautiful. Let us see that all of us get the message of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Heartfulness -whatever ethnicity – let’s shun miseries and embrace happiness.”

Dr. Daminda Porage – Additional Secretary General, International Buddhist Confederation said, “The descendent form the holy Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya is coming to your place at Heartfulness. This Bodhi tree is considered the tree of awakening under which the Buddha attained his enlightenment in the fifth century BC. For us in Sri Lanka it is very holy because we received a descendent of the holy tree in 239 BC by the daughter of Emperor Ashoka. Pujya Daaji brought the holy tree to this land. It is a great blessing for all of us who have gathered here. This holy tree is a wishing tree. Millions of people go to Bodh Gaya and go to Shri Lanka. And this is a very significant moment for all of us.”

Rev. Daaji Guide of Heartfulness & President of Shri Ram Chandra Mission added, “The Mahabodhi Tree has special significance for the entire humanity. Each of us is internally always seeking for ultimate happiness and peace which comes only when being centered within. Buddha showed the way. But it is for each of us to explore and experiment by ourselves to discover the Ultimate Truth. Through the consecration of the Mahabodhi Tree we are also inviting the Divine to constantly guide us on the path.”

Thirty young ordinands from the Mahabodhi Buddha Vihara in Hyderabad, a prominent Buddhist temple and monastery, along with their tutor, attended the Maha Bodhi consecration ceremony at Kanha Shanti Vanam. Immersing themselves in the spiritual atmosphere, they stayed overnight to experience the serenity of the center. They explored the renowned Yatra Garden and received guidance on Spiritual Anatomy from a senior Heartfulness Trainer at the Yatra Garden. The following morning, with the divine blessings of Daaji, the young ordinands eagerly participated in the sacred ceremony.

The Mahabodhi tree is venerated all around the world for under it was Gautama Buddha known to have attained enlightenment. A few offspring saplings of the Mahabodhi tree have travelled to a few other places including one sapling planted at the Theosophical Society in Chennai. The consecration of the Mahabodhi sapling at the Heartfulness premises is also significant in that it is intended at being an energy-centre of positivity and aid in evolving collective consciousness. The event also signified the coming together of two great traditions of Shri Ram Chandra Mission and International Buddhist Confederation paving way for peace and human evolution together.


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