Homeopathy as exclusive or an add on treatment can benefit patients of cancer

January 31, 2023
Dr kalyan bannerjee

Photo : Right to Left : Dr Kalyan Banerjee and Dr Kushal Banerjee

Patient centric homeopathic protocols developed by Dr Kalyan Banerjee’s Clinic improve Cancer Patient’s quality of life and survival chances 



New Delhi, January 31 2023:

“Cancer specific homeopathic treatment protocols can greatly help cancer patients improve quality of life and survival chances. The Homeopathic treatment protocols prescribed by Dr Kalyan Banerjees Clinic for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, radiation, and cancer surgery have shown remarkable improvement patient’s condition and, in many cases, also extended life expectancy”, informed, Dr Kushal Banerjee, Senior Homeopath, Dr Kalyan Banerjee’s Clinic in a press conference in Noida.    

The homeopathic treatment protocols prescribed at Dr Kalyan Banerjee’s Clinic have been developed over 40 years and has shown to contribute to reduce or stop cancers, reduce the side effects of cancer treatments and help them to live longer and with a higher quality of life. Today, the Clinic prescribes for over 100 cancer patients every day. 

Conventional cancer treatment involves Chemotherapy (which includes hormonal therapy), radiation therapy, and cancer surgery. Based on the various factors like patient’s age, health condition, stage of cancer, a combination of these treatments is prescribed to the patient. These conventional treatments are known to cause a variety of side effects like nausea, vomiting, non-healing of the surgical site. Additionally, side effects such as secondary infection of the site or of any other system during the recuperative phase, pain, weight loss or gain, damage to blood cells, diarrhea, tooth decay, hair loss, and fatigue are also witnessed.  The severity and kinds of the side effect differs from patient to patient. Sometimes, severe side effect can lead to organ failure and other serious complications.      

Dr Kushal Banerjee added“our treatment protocols are able to substantially mitigate the side effects of conventional cancer treatments. Every day, we prescribe homeopathic medicine to around hundred patients for cancer treatment and management of side effects of conventional treatments. These homeopathic medicine treatment protocols have been standardized based on observational and clinical data after treating a variety of cancer patients over decades at the clinic. Our internal data shows that our protocols are effective and improve patients’ condition. Every year, we are repeatedly providing our cancer treatment protocols to thousands of patients from across the world to manage cancer and reduce the side effects of conventional cancer therapy. Our patient responses  further suggests that patients are being benefitted with our treatment protocols.” 

Padma Shri, Dr Kalyan Banerjee, founder Dr Kalyan Banerjee’s Clinic, corroborates, Cancer related analyses conducted at our clinic indicate that over 70% of the cancer patients treated at the clinic had already received conventional treatment but were no longer responding to it. After taking homeopathic treatment regimen from the clinic, more than 30% of patients of advanced hepato-cellular carcinoma exceed the maximum survival time of 24 months under conventional treatment. Similarly, more than 90% patients of early squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity crossed the five-year survival mark, which is comparable to conventional treatment. The study also indicates that many patients were able to surpass the five-year survival percentage of glioblastoma multiforme with homeopathic treatment protocols from our Clinic. Additionally, the analysis showed improved survival estimates for patients in advanced stages of lungs, pancreas and ovaries cancer who have not responded well to chemotherapy and radiation therapy.”

 Dr. Kushal Banerjee concluded“there is an urgent need to address the challenge of growing burden on various cancers in the country. Homeopathy is the second most trusted form of medicine practiced across the world according to the ‘World Health Organisation’ and people over the years have shown immense faith in the system of medicine due to its effectiveness and safety. Over the years, homeopathic treatment protocols for various disease including cancer have evolved and advanced. Homeopathy today offers a complementary system which can address the various challenges of conventional cancer treatment. Our evidence-based assessment of clinical outcomes indicates that homeopathy individually, or in conjunction with conventional therapy offers cancer patients’ an effective way to manage the disease and systematically improve the patients’ quality of life.”   


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