How to put restraint on the senses

September 20, 2019

healthy soch

New Delhi, September 20, 2019:

There are many ways of practicing detached attachment.

The purpose is to get detached with the attachments slowly and step wise.


  1. Vruti Sankshep: Limit number of items eaten in each meal.
  1. Rasa Parityag: Give up one taste on a specific day (say no food sour on Friday)
  1. Unodar or partial fasting (eat less say reduce your intake by 50% in each meal)
  1. Chauvihar: Do not take food and water after sunset
  1. Upvas: Do a weekly fast for 24-36 hours
  1. Athai: Do fast for 8 days (Navai: 9 days, Solbhathu: 16 days)
  1. Maaskhaman: Give up food and water or only food for one month.
  1. Varshitap is Upwas: fast for 36 hours, on alternate days for 13 lunar months.
  1. Not eating wheat once a week to reduce insulin resistance.
  1. Serving an item you like the most to others and restraining from eating yourself. Say ice cream.

Fasting promotes autophagy (apoptosis). In the absence of external sources of food, the body begins to eat itself (auto: self, phage: eat), destroying and recycling its own damaged cell bits and proteins, so that new and healthy versions can be built.

Autophagy is “a process of cellular housekeeping” that’s crucial for “cellular quality control,” and that allows for cells to better “adapt to stress.” In 2015 Nature article was titled: “Eat Thyself, Sustain Thyself.”

On a cellular level and instead of throwing things away, the body burns them and then makes new things out of the “ash.”

Fasting and calorie restriction have traditionally been associated with slower aging and longer lifespan.

The body taking over the oldest, junkiest proteins and burning them for energy,” happens “in the later stages of a long fast — somewhere around 20 to 24 hours.

Fasting appears to induce autophagy in most organs (like the liver, muscle, and pancreas), but “not in the brain.”

A 2016 JAMA Oncology study on women with breast cancer found that those who fasted for more than 13 hours a day had lower rates of cancer recurrence.

-Dr KK Aggarwal

President CMAAO and HCFI


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