Letter to PM : Its time to start de-locking

April 28, 2020
Author : Dr K K Aggarwal , President CMAAO, HCFI, and Past National President IMA

New Delhi, April 28, 2020 :
Sh Narendra Modi
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India
Subject: Its time to start de-locking: Seal 2 km of active and new cases and open areas with no new cases in the last 14 days
This is why, Because now we know :
1. That lock down has given us enough prevention guidelines
2. That lock down has made India prepared for the eventuality
3. That by continuing lockdown we will only postpone doubling rate by a few days
4. That lock down must continue in red spots in the country
5. That many patients have insignificant symptoms and both asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic transmission of corona virus can occur.
6. That while World mortality is 6.90 %  that of Asia is 5.7% (11 countries average 0.44; 10 countries average 1.6; 11 countries average 3.9; 3 countries average 9.6 and 3 countries average 41.3); Europe is 131 Deaths per million population; North America is 42.88 Deaths per million population; USA is 167 Deaths per million population
7. That mortality in India is 0.7 Deaths per million population and of combined India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangla Desh is 0.58 million per population
8. That Asian countries are behaving differently in terms of mortality and mortality of citizens living in India Pakistan Nepal Sri Lanka and Bangladesh have the lowest mortality.
9. That SARS 2 virus behaves differently than SARS 1 virus.  While SARS 1 was more transmissive  in letter past of illness SARS 2  spreads early.
10. That SARS 1 was infective when the infection was in lower respiratory tract, SARS 2 spreads when the infection is in upper respiratory tract
11. That most serious patients do not require ventilators as they have problem in the capillaries and not the lung alveoli
12.  That the disease can involve practically every organ of the body
13.  That mild cases can be treated with home to hospital strategy
14.  That hospitals can spread more than 40% of new cases if PPE are in short supply
15.  That RT PCR test may be negative in 33% of cases and rapid tests are not for the acute diagnosis
16.  That we need to follow the strategy that every stranger we meet is coronavirus positive and any unknown surface we touch is coronavirus positive
17.  The importance of social distancing and masking
18.  The importance of hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene and cough etiquettes
19.  The importance of selective elderly lockdown and lockdown of patients with comorbidities
20.  That we have to live with covid-19 as the virus is going to stay
21.  Now we know that for the next two years we have to avoid gatherings
22.  Now we know that we must start living with simplicity
23.  Now we know that medical consultation is possible with telemedicine
24.  Now we know violation of disease epidemic act means jail
25.  Now we know that by downloading Arogya Setu app I can know my risk
26. Now we know that even a slight mistake can make my green zone into red or orange zone and get sealed
27.  Now I know that disciplined self-lockdown can reduce pollution and deaths due to typhoid, diarrhoea, jaundice, food poisoning and pneumonia
28.  Now I know that I need to decontaminate my frequently touched surfaces using 0.1% bleach at least three times a day
29.   Now I know that I need to take care of my elderly
30. Now I Know that I can work from home
31.  That mortality can be reduced but not to become zero
32. That sudden death occurs in 1% of the symptomatic cases
33. That for everyone symptomatic case there may be 50 asymptomatic cases
34.  That we know that 3% of new cases detected will require ventilators after 9 days
35.  That 15% of new case will require oxygen after seven days
36. That 80% of the people can be managed at home
37.  That we must restrict the meeting time with strangers to less than 5 minutes
38. That doctors to patient face to side (not face to face time) will be less than 5 minutes
39. That single surgeon patient surgical rime will be less than 30minutes
40. That doctors will work in hospital for seven days and then off for seven days
41. That I must start walking or cycling for shorter distances
42. That I must walk stairs and avoid lifts when possible
43. That I must have fully ventilated areas to stay, work or sleep
44.  That I must build my immunity; practice Pranayama when alone and start sleeping in prone position
45.  That I must now start wearing masks, shoe covers, and head covers
46.  That I must now think of getting impermeable cloths
47. That I may have to prefer spaced fully ventilated hospital wards over closed AC single rooms
48.  That if I am TB positive, I may be isolated till turned negative
49. That lock down will be implemented if we all spread the pollution in winter
50. That Its time to quit smoking as it can spread the virus.


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