Lifestyle modification and weight loss can help patients reverse their diabetes

November 13, 2019
  • A unique weight loss and lifestyle modification program launched by Daivam Wellness in conjunction with Eternity Medicine has helped reverse the blood sugar levels in 90% of their clients since the program launched.
  • An incredible 60%-70% of insulin-dependent clients stopped taking insulin and the remaining 30%-40% reduced their insulin dose by 80%
  • 100% of their clients on the program lost weight.



New Delhi, November 13, 2019 :

Diabetes Management Program launched by Daivam Wellness in India, based on the latest breaking research and science which is helping people manage and reverse their diabetes. In 90% of client cases this new revolutionary program launched by Daivam Wellness in conjunction with Eternity Medicine has successfully reversed diabetes. A significant 60%-70% of their clients who were previously on insulin stopped taking the medication and the remaining clients 30% to 40% reduced their insulin dose down by 80%. 

 Of all of the clients who went on the new program, 100% of their patients lost weight, which according to recent studies is one of the key factors in diabetes management. According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, 15kgs of sustainable weight loss can help control and even reverse Type II diabetes. 

 “The solution to type 2 diabetes and obesity is known and it is based on lifestyle factors. This proven holistic whole-person program brought to you by Daivam Wellness and Eternity Medicine will put you back in the driving seat of your health”. says Dr Graham Simpson, one of the world’s leading experts on diabesity and reversing ‘insulin resistance’. He has made it his life’s mission to reverse the global epidemic of lifestyle-caused chronic disease. A passionate doctor, futurist, educator, scientist and international best-selling author and founder of Eternity Medicine. Dr Simpson has written ‘The 4 Week Diabesity Cure’, ‘The Metabolic Miracle’, ‘WellMan’ (Live Longer by Controlling Inflammation) and ‘The Top 10 cardio-metabolic diseases that stop you living to 100 and how to combat them today. 

 With the help of Eternity Medicine’s award-winning software and diabetes mobile app, the team of experts at Daivam Wellness closely monitor their clients through their biomarkers continuously tailoring the program to cater to their personalised and varying needs. 

 The 360-degree approach of the new Daivam Wellness Diabetes Management program ensures that after the detailed profiling and counselling from their experts, their advice is followed and discrepancies are reported. Through their monitoring device they keep a very close tab of health biomarkers, this not only makes them aware of the type of food consumed and the amount of physical activity completed but also notifies them of the predictable health changes. This feature is excellent for predicting disease onset and prevention. 

 Another very important aspect of the Daivam Wellness Diabetes program is its two-way communication. The digital platform enables patients to communicate their concerns and problems and experts will revert to them personally within a set timeframe. The interactive feature further helps the Daivam Wellness team to modify the program as per the needs of their clients, thereby helping to improve compliance.   

 With the country reeling under 49% of the world’s diabetes burden and expecting to house 134 million diabetics by 2025, such a holistic approach towards diabetes prevention is extremely important. 

 “Data suggests that one in every four people under 25 in India has adult-onset diabetes, a condition more usually seen in 40-50 year. Such a huge prevalence of diabetes, which is known to cause further health complications, will turn out to be a huge socio-economic burden on the country. This is a high time when medical fraternity should come up with more innovative solutions and help prevent this epidemic,” Alok Chopra, Founder & Medical Director, Daivam Wellness. 

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Author: Dr. Jaswant Singh Puri , Doctor of Letters (Honoris