Precautions to observe while going back to work amidst lockdown 4.0

May 20, 2020

Dr MS Kanwar, Senior Consultant, Department of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, elaborates on the workplace precautions:



New Delhi, May 20, 2020 :

With Lockdown 4.0 being implemented with lesser restrictions and people joining back the work front, It is important that organizations and employees observe some basic precautions to curb the spread of COVID 19.

For Organizations:

  • Open up every area of the building and ensure a proper disinfection is done
  • Every desk space, corners, lifts, staircase handles, door knobs, chair handles, electrical switch points, wash rooms etc to be cleaned/ disinfected
  • Washrooms to have liquid soap and hand dryers / tissue papers
  • Hand sanitizers placed at appropriate locations
  • Cleaning up of air conditioning systems including lift fans
  • Identify ways to get fresh air inside the work areas rather than closed spaces
  • Re-organize office spaces keeping in mind Social Distancing
  • Have enough educational material around for staff to understand the key principles to be followed
  • Staff who is unwell should be given a mask & not allowed to enter
  • Small medical facility to be created / organized, where if, anyone doesn’t feel well-could approach
  • Re-evaluate the biometric systems and find alternatives, if possible
  • Encourage regular hand-washing or use of an alcohol rub by all participants at the meeting or event
  • Drinking water facilities to have disposable cups
  • Staff should carry their own water bottles and tea/coffee mugs. They should clean it themselves rather than sending it for someone to clean. Else use disposable ones
  • Perfect cleanliness to be followed in kitchens, pantries etc
  • Check the required stock of disinfectants, tissues, liquid soap, thermal scanner, masks, gloves, etc
  • Place mats at the entrance that could be dipped in 1% sodium hypochlorite (and changed every 2 hours) to ensure the footwear is clean
  • All double doors should be kept open to prevent touching doors or knobs
  • Staff to be educated on saying “Namaste” rather than shaking hands
  • Advise employees and contractors to consult national travel advice before going on business trips

For Employees:

  • Use Mask and Gloves. Never leave for office without these essentials. Keep on replacing/ sanitizing them at intervals
  • Sanitize your hands after touching any alien surface , especially in buses or trains or even inside the cabs
  • Use a private vehicle if possible or make sure the transport you are taking has social distancing measures in place
  • Don not touch your face, mouth or nose, as this might increase the risk of infection
  • Make sure, you do not sneeze or cough in open. Carry a small packet of tissues or handkerchief and keep on replacing them during relevant intervals
  • Ensure that every employee gets his/her temperature checked before entering the office premises. If not, decisively compel your employer to put in place such a system.
  • Carry your stationery from home to reduce the risk of being contaminated through office stationery you don’t know who else has touched before
  • Prefer not to eat from outside
  • Sanitize your hands every now and then and ensure supremely precautions are also taken inside washrooms
  • If you find any COVID symptoms – cold, fever, breathlessness or loss of sense of taste or smell – stop going to the office with immediate effect and seek medical attention


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