The origin of strings theory is in Vedas

August 29, 2019


New Delhi, August 29, 2019 :

Dr K K Aggarwal

 In Vedic language the body is divided into three parts

  1. Sthool Sharira (physical body)
  2. Sukshma Sharira (Subtle body)
  3. Karan Sharira (Soul)

The physical body (Bhai Karan) is made up of Tanmatras and five basic elements. It has the five Karmendriyas.

The sukshma Sharira has the Gnanendriyas and the anthar Karan (mind, intellect, ego and chitta of pure intelligence)

Karan sharira is the soul. Karan sharira is the unmanifest, omnipotent, omniscient and omni present.

In terms of quantum mechanics sukshma sharira and Karan sharira after the physical body ends (fermions and bosons) merges into wave particle duality, then the wave, then quantum filed and ultimately to the strings (present in 10 dimensions)

As per the theory of everything the strings are the subtlest of the subtle in the body.

  1. In Bhagavad Gita the description of filed comes in the very first shloka ion the form of ksetre which means the field

dhṛtarāṣṭra uvāca
dharma-kṣetre kuru-kṣetre
samavetā yuyutsavaḥ
māmakāḥ pāṇḍavāś caiva
kim akurvata sañjaya

  1. In Yoga Vasishta (3.27) in the storey of Karkati, when she asks the boon of becoming subtlest of the subtle, she became Suchika and Visuchika (needle and mobile needle). Which means strings in quantum filed. [3.35: the demoness became smaller and smaller, of the size of a grain (fermion) and then of the size of a needle)
  1. In Kena Upanishad (3.6, 3.10), when the Brahman (GOD) asked Agni and Vayu Devta to burn or move the straw / dried grass like a thread they could not burn it or move it. This again means the string state of the Sukshma sharira.

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