UNICEF 11 key lessons about water, sanitation and hygiene in schools

September 2, 2018

New Delhi, September 02, 2018 :

  1. Globally only 69% of schools have a basic drinking water service (water from an improved source [piped water, boreholes or tubewells, protected dug wells, protected springs and packaged or delivered water], and water is available at the school at the time of the survey)
  2. 1 in 4 primary schools and 1 in 6 secondary schools have no drinking water service.
  3. Overall, nearly 600 million children lack a basic drinking water service at their school. Less than half the schools in Oceania and two thirds of schools in Central and South Asia have a basic drinking water service.
  4. Globally only 66% of schools have a basic sanitation service (improved sanitation [flush/pour flush to piped sewer systems, septic tanks or pit latrines; ventilated improved pit latrines, composting toilets or pit latrines with slabs], at the school that are single-sex and usable (available, functional, private) at the time of the survey).
  5. 1 in 5 primary schools and 1 in 8 secondary schools have no sanitation service.
  6. One third of schools in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania have no sanitation service. In most countries where data is available, less than 50% of schools have toilets accessible to students with limited mobility.
  7. Globally, 600 million children do not have a basic sanitation service at school
  8. Nearly 900 million children worldwide lack a basic hygiene service at their school (handwashing facilities with water and soap available at the school at the time of the survey).
  9. 1 in 3 primary schools and over a quarter of secondary schools have no hygiene service.
  10. Over one third of schools worldwide and half of schools in the least developed countries have no hygiene service.
  11. UNICEF has WASH in school programs in more than 90 countries and reaches an average of 3 million children a year.

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