New Delhi, May 11, 2019 :
Antigua GAPIO: Quite often we say that Vedic Medicine is not based on scientific evidence. But Vedas do describe six types of evidence.
- Pratkyasha: What is seen, touched, smelt, tasted or heard; which happens before us. For example, diagnosing an acute myocardial infection by seeing an ECG
- Anumana: which is logic based on the assumption. E.g. any study based in modern medicine based on Null hypothesis. Most modern medicine studies are based on this concept.
- Upmana: This is the analogy based. If you see a granuloma on histopathology, it is TB unless proved otherwise
- Arthapati: This is the conclusion based on circumstantial evidence. For example, during an epidemic of dengue, all fevers are presumed to be dengue first.
- Anuplabdhi is evidence based on negation. You diagnose a rare condition after common conditions are ruled out. Most viral disorders today are diagnosed after excluding bacterial infections
- Shabda or evidence based on other’s experiences. We practice what was taught to us by our professors.
Author : Dr KK Aggarwal , Padma Shri Awardee