25 Crore doses of Covishield and 19 Crore of Covaxin to be procured

June 8, 2021

Fresh Order for Vaccines placed to achieve Universalization of Vaccination



New Delhi, June 08, 2021 :

Government of India has been supporting the efforts of States and UTs for an effective Vaccination drive under the ‘Whole of Government” approach since 16th January this year. Based on the various representations received by the Union Government, the vaccination for all adults above 18 years of age was opened with the onset of Liberalized Phase III of India’s vaccination strategy on 1st May, 2021.

Now with the aim to further universalize the countrywide vaccination drive, all citizens above 18 years of age can receive the COVID19 vaccine doses free of cost at Government health facilities.

In immediate follow-up of the Hon. Prime Minister’s announcement of these changes in the Guidelines of National COVID Vaccination program yesterday, the Union Health Ministry has placed an order with Serum Institute of India for 25 crore doses of Covishield and with Bharat Biotech for 19crore doses of Covaxin.

These 44 crore (25+19 cr) doses of COVID-19 vaccines will be available till December 2021, starting now.

Additionally, 30% of the advance for procurement of both the Covid Vaccines has been released to Serum Institute of India and Bharat Biotech.


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