Improving Rural Healthcare Infrastructure

July 24, 2019


New Delhi, July 24, 2019 :

As per the budget announcement 2017-18, 1,50,000 Health Sub Centres and Primary Health Centres are to be transformed into Health and Wellness Centres (AB-HWCs) by December, 2022 to provide Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC) to ensure health for all.

Under AB-HWCs, CPHC includes promotive, preventive, curative, palliative and rehabilitative services. The AB-HWCs are envisioned to provide an expanded range of services to include care for non-communicable diseases, palliative and rehabilitative care, Oral, Eye and ENT care, mental health and first level care for emergencies and trauma as well as health promotion and wellness activities like Yoga apart from services already being provided for Maternal and Child Health including immunization and communicable diseases. Free essential drugs and diagnostic services are also being provisioned through these HWCs.

As per Rural Health Statistics(RHS), 2018, as on 31.03.2018, there are 150 Community Health Centres (CHCs) and 1899 Primary Health Centres (PHCs) in Bihar. State-wise details of shortfall in PHCs and CHCs is given below:

S.No. State/ UT PHCs CHCs
R P S % Shortfall R P S % Shortfall
1 Andhra Pradesh 1197 1147 50 4 299 193 106 35
2 Arunachal Pradesh 48 143 * * 12 63 * *
3 Assam 954 946 8 1 238 172 66 28
4 Bihar 3099 1899 1200 39 774 150 624 81
5 Chhattisgarh 774 793 * * 193 169 24 12
6 Goa 19 25 * * 4 4 0 0
7 Gujarat 1290 1474 * * 322 363 * *
8 Haryana 550 368 182 33 137 113 24 18
9 Himachal Pradesh 212 576 * * 53 91 * *
10 Jammu & Kashmir 327 637 * * 81 84 * *
11 Jharkhand 966 298 668 69 241 171 70 29
12 Karnataka 1306 2359 * * 326 206 120 37
13 Kerala 589 849 * * 147 227 * *
14 Madhya Pradesh 1989 1171 818 41 497 309 188 38
15 Maharashtra 2201 1823 378 17 550 361 189 34
16 Manipur 80 91 * * 20 23 * *
17 Meghalaya 114 108 6 5 28 28 0 0
18 Mizoram 25 57 * * 6 9 * *
19 Nagaland 68 126 * * 17 21 * *
20 Odisha 1315 1288 27 2 328 377 * *
21 Punjab 578 432 146 25 144 151 * *
22 Rajasthan 1861 2078 * * 465 588 * *
23 Sikkim 18 24 * * 4 2 2 50
24 Tamil Nadu 1251 1421 * * 312 385 * *
25 Telangana 768 643 125 16 192 91 101 53
26 Tripura 109 108 1 1 27 22 5 19
27 Uttarakhand 238 257 * * 59 67 * *
28 Uttar Pradesh 5194 3621 1573 30 1298 822 476 37
29 West Bengal 2153 913 1240 58 538 348 190 35
30 A & N Islands 8 22 * * 2 4 * *
31 Chandigarh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
32 D & N Haveli 8 9 * * 2 2 0 0
33 Daman & Diu 2 4 * * 0 2 * *
34 Delhi 13 5 8 62 3 0 3 100
35 Lakshadweep 0 4 * * 0 3 * *
36 Puducherry 13 24 * * 3 3 0 0
  All India/ Total 29337 25743 6430 22 7322 5624 2188 30

The State Government has intimated that a super specialty 100 bedded Mother & Child hospital (MCH) is being constructed in District Hospital, Muzaffarpur at an estimated cost of 13.5 Crores; the construction is already under way and is at finishing stage.

Proposals from the State have been invited for setting up of a 100 bedded Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (P-ICU) at Shri Krishna Medical College & Hospital, Muzaffarpur; five virology labs in different districts and 10 bedded Paediatric ICUs in other districts, to be supported under National Health Mission (NHM).

The Minister of State (Health and Family Welfare), ShAshwini Kumar Choubey stated this in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha here today.

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