More than 95 lakh samples tested :COVID-19

July 4, 2020


Nearly 1.6 lakh more recovered cases than the active ones
Recovery rate is 60.81%



New Delhi, July 04, 2020 :

The number of the recovered COVID-19 cases continues to increase steadily.

As a result of the coordinated action taken by Government of India along with States/UTs for prevention, containment and management of COVID-19, there are 1,58,793 recovered cases more than the active COVID-19 cases, as on date. As a result of this, the recovery rate has further increased to 60.81%.

During the last 24 hours, a total of 14,335 COVID-19 patients have been cured, taking the cumulative figure to 3,94,226.

Presently, there are 2,35,433 active cases and all are under medical supervision.

The efforts to expand the testing labs network in the country have led to their numbers increasing very day. There are as many as 1087 labs in the country, including 780 labs in the government sector and 307 private labs. These include:

• Real-Time RT PCR based testing labs: 584 (Govt: 366 + Private: 218)

• TrueNat based testing labs: 412 (Govt: 381 + Private: 31)

• CBNAAT based testing labs: 91 (Govt: 33 + Private: 58)

Several people-centered measures taken as part of the “Test, Trace, Treat” strategy have removed the impediments for COVID-19 testing. Facilitation of widespread testing by States/UTs has spurred the number of samples tested every day. During the last 24 hours 2,42,383 samples have been tested, pushing the cumulative number of tests to 95,40,132.

The Clinical Management Protocol for COVID-19 has been updated by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.

In case of any queries on COVID-19, please call at the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare helpline no.: +91-11-23978046 or 1075 (Toll-free).



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