SOPs for operation of public and semi-public environments to resume social and economic activity released

June 5, 2020




New Delhi, June 05, 2020 :

As India is easing its lockdown requirements through a graded, pre-emptive and pro-active approach, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has uploaded standard operating procedures for operation of public and semi-public environments where COVID has a higher chance to spread. The new guidelines aim to instil COVID appropriate behaviour to contain the chain of transmission while allowing social and economic activity to resume.

During the last 24 hours, a total of 5,355 COVID-19 patients have been cured. Thus, so far, a total of 1,09,462 patients have been cured of COVID-19. The recovery rate is 48.27% amongst COVID-19 patients. Presently, there are 1,10,960 active cases and all are under active medical supervision.

The number of government labs now stands increased to 507 and that of private labs stands increased to 217 (a total of 727 labs). 1,43,661 samples were tested in the last 24 hours. The total number of cumulative samples tested thus far is 43,86,379.

As of 5th June 2020, the COVID related health infrastructure has been strengthened with the availability of 957 dedicated COVID hospitals with 1,66,460 Isolation beds, 21,473 ICU beds and 72,497 Oxygen supported beds. 2,362 dedicated COVID Health Centres with 1,32,593 Isolation beds; 10,903 ICU beds and 45,562 Oxygen supported beds have also been operationalised. 11,210 quarantine centres and 7,529 COVID Care Centres with 7,03,786 beds are now available to combat COVID-19 in the country. So far, The Centre has also provided 128.48 lakh N95 masks and 104.74 lakh Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) to the States/ UTs / Central Institutions.

The Ministry has issued fresh guidelines regarding reimbursement of OPD medicines to CS (MA) beneficiaries in view of COVID19 pandemic. This can be accessed at  



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