Uttar Pradesh establishes Integrated COVID Control & Command Centre, and a Unified State COVID Portal

September 6, 2020

COVID-19-Best Practices


New Delhi, September 06, 2020 :

As the pandemic enters the ninth month in India, the Centre has steadfastly led the response and management strategy for COVID with a sharp focus on the management of the pandemic in the States and UTs. The State/UT governments have in close coordination and integral collaboration implemented the Centre-led policies and interventions. Many have also designed customised innovative measures to fight the pandemic. These are being emulated by others, thereby facilitating wider implementation of regional ideas and best practices.

The government of Uttar Pradesh has taken various initiatives in this direction.

On 18th July 2020, the UP government established the Integrated COVID Control & Command Centres (ICCCC) in all districts as well as the State headquarter with representation of all relevant departments to address the rising number of positive cases. These centres are primarily for ensuring effective coordination among relevant departments for Non Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs). They also facilitate prompt referral of COVID-19 patients to the appropriate level of dedicated COVID facilities. The Command centres coordinate with zonal units to ensure prompt testing of symptomatic patients and contacts, intimation of laboratory status, facilitation of transport and facility allocation in case of admission, and regular follow up of cases under home isolation.

Uttar Pradesh has also developed a Unified State COVID Portal: http://upcovid19tracks.in which captures all information related to surveillance, testing and treatment of COVID patients. Regular trainings are being provided to ensure quality of data and data management at the District-level. Since its development, the portal has further evolved with more understanding of the disease, and interventions and feedback from the users at the State and District levels. Availability of digitalized data has facilitated decentralized as well as granular analysis for prompt decision making and response. This portal has also benefitted through interoperability with the Govt of India portal.

The State Government has also procured 1000 High Flow Nasal Canula (HFNCs) from the State funds. 500 of these have been installed and are being utilized for non-invasive management of patients in the State.


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