Mantra to be Happy Always : Veenu Tanejaa, Astrologer - HealthySoch

Mantra to be Happy Always : Veenu Tanejaa, Astrologer

September 18, 2018


New Delhi, September 18, 2018 :

Our status on what’s up should have Good positive words as it has direct effect on our lives ..instead of any other change it to “HAPPY ALWAYS”.🍁 When we follow this simple principle of ‘ No complaints’ only appreciation no matter how unfavourable the situations are our life will become more beautiful …😊

Just like a small bulb💡 can lighten up the full house 🏠 same way even if one member😊

of family is positive the whole family will be benefitted and peace,  prosperity, goodwill and harmony will prevail in the house. 🍁one should learn to find out positive even in unfavourable situations….🍁

Veenu tanejaa


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