Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister, Government of India inaugurated ‘Mega Health Mela’ organized by Fortis Hospital

February 17, 2019

“‘Mega Health Mela’ organized by Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Bagh provides free medical consultation and medical tests to over 4000 people”

healthy soch 

New Delhi, February 17, 2019 :

Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Bagh in association with AAS foundation organized one of the biggest Health Melas in Pitampura. The event was inaugurated by Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister,Government of India and was graced by the presence of   many senior dignitaries. Over 6,000 people participated in the event and more than 4000 benefitted from free medical services and medical tests.

Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Bagh provided free health checks for all the participants. Medical tests like E.C.G, BMD, PFT, Blood Sugar, CBC, BMI, height and weight measurement were provided. Medical Consultation was provided by renowned consultants from 16 specialties including Cancer, Cardiology, Orthopedics, Hematologist, Orthopedics, Bariatric and General Surgery among others. Health sessions on diverse Medical specialties by Senior Doctors helped educate the public on the importance of preventive check-ups, good health and different medical ailments, correct diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Other fun activities like yoga sessions, fitness games and zumba sessions were also organized.


Mr. Mahipal Singh Bhanot, Facility Director, Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Bagh said, “Being a healthcare provider our main aim is to educate people on how to live a healthy lifestyle. If people are aware of the symptoms of a disease and realize the importance of early detection, half the battle is won. Our purpose to organize this camp was to create awareness and provide free medical services to the underprivileged society of our country. This is one of the biggest Health camps ever organized in North Delhi and we are extremely overwhelmed with the response. We will continue to organize such events in the future and educate people on the importance of health and healthy lifestyle.”


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