Synthetic steroidal androgens can cause liver damage

March 24, 2018
Synthetic steroidal androgens can cause liver damage

Anabolic steroids can also lead to other associated complications over time

 New Delhi, March 24, 2018:In a Merck-IJCP symposium organized in Delhi, it was discussed that dietary supplements containing 17-alpha-alkylated androgens can cause liver damage. Those consuming these supplements can present with high serum concentrations of liver enzymes, cholestatic jaundice, and peliosis hepatis, characterized by blood-filled hepatic cysts.

Androgenic steroids also referred to as ‘anabolic-androgenic steroids’, are synthetic steroidal androgens available orally as oral 17-alpha-alkylated androgens (stanozolol).They were originally developed to have a greater anabolic to androgenic effect than testosterone.

Speaking about this, Padma Shri Awardee Dr KK Aggarwal, Immediate Past President of IMA and President, HCFI; Dr Ajay Kumar, Dr Rajiv Khosla, and Dr A S Puri in a joint statement, said, “The hormones testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in stanozolol increase the synthesis of protein within the cells, resulting in a faster buildup of cell tissue. These drugs were once used exclusively by athletes and bodybuilders. It has the ability to add strength without excess weight gain anddoes not convert to estrogen or cause water retention. Bodybuilders use it to preserve lean body mass and lose fat. It is available as 5 mg tablets and is given in the dose of up to 25 mg per day.Pharmacologic doses of stanozolol decrease serum high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and increase low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations. However, when used in excess without prescription, they can even lead to hepatomas.”

Among elite athletes, the most commonly detected AS are testosterone, stanozolol, and nandrolone. Positive tests for AS occur most commonly in bodybuilding, weightlifting, boxing, and kickboxing.

Adding further, Dr K K Aggarwal, who is also the Group Editor of IJCP said, “The addition of anabolic steroids to the human system can cause shrinking testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, breast development in men and an increased risk of prostate cancer. Women also suffer from side effects that include growth of facial hair, male-pattern baldness, adverse change in the menstrual cycle leading to infertility, enlarged clitoris and deepened voice.”

The long-term effects of performance-enhancing drugs haven’t been rigorously studied. However, doping is prohibited by most sports organizations andno matter from which angle on looks at it, the use of performance-enhancing drugs is certainly risky.

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