Meditation is a journey: 50 reasons to meditate

August 13, 2018
Morning MEDtalks with Dr K K Aggarwal

Morning MEDtalks with Dr K K Aggarwal

New Delhi , August 13, 2018 :

Meditation is a journey: 50 reasons to meditate

  1. From sickness to wellness
  2. From particle state towards wave particle duality state
  3. From wave particle duality state to wave state
  4. From manifest to unmanifest
  5. From disturbed state of consciousness to undisturbed state of consciousness
  6. From sympathetic to parasympathetic mode
  7. From exercise to yoga
  8. From sahasrara (crown) chakra to muladhara (root) chakra and back
  9. Towards a thoughtless state
  10. Towards union of mind with the body
  11. Towards union of purusha with prakriti
  12. Towards achieving silence
  13. Of experiencing higher state of consciousness
  14. Of experiencing restful alertness
  15. Of experiencing ‘para’ state of language
  16. Of experiencing ritam bhara pragya
  17. Of experiencing the unmanifest
  18. Of experiencing losing track of time
  19. Of experiencing moksha
  20. Of experiencing inner happiness
  21. Of experiencing liberation
  22. Of experiencing ecstasy
  23. Of concentration on the object of concentration and giving preference to the object of communication over thoughts
  24. Of achieving turiya state of consciousness
  25. Of getting benefits in 20 minutes equivalent to 7 hours of deep sleep
  26. Of experiencing critical mass effects
  27. Is having a dialogue with Para Brahma
  28. Of knowing the unknown
  29. Of experiencing synchrodestiny
  30. Of experiencing meaningful coincidences
  31. Of experiencing spontaneous fulfillment of desires
  32. Of experiencing exaggerated telepathy
  33.  Of experiencing exaggerated reverse telepathy
  34.  Of experiencing a state of no enmity
  35. Of experiencing a state of fearlessness
  36. Of experiencing a state of truthfulness
  37. Of experiencing a state of getting detached to the results of your actions
  38. Of being able to spontaneously reduce the mental noise
  39. Of being able to spontaneously neutralize or reduce the mental noise
  40. Of being able to spontaneously ignore the mental noise
  41. Of improving your concentration power
  42. Of experiencing Tyaga
  43. Of experiencing Vairagya
  44. Of experiencing Sanyasi
  45. Of understanding who we are
  46. Of experiencing Aham Brahmasmi
  47. Of experiencing Tat-tvam-asi
  48. Of experiencing Pragnanam Brahma
  49. Of achieving a state where God talks to you
  50. Of achieving a state of Para Brahma, Para experiences and para language

FDA: Misuse of rupture-of-membranes tests and fetal deaths

The FDA is reminding clinicians that improper use of rupture-of-membranes (ROM) tests in pregnant women can lead to severe adverse events. The warning follows multiple reports of health complications — including 13 fetal deaths — associated with test misuse. The agency emphasized that ROM tests should not be used alone but rather should be part of an overall clinical assessment that may include testing for leaking amniotic fluid. Inaccurate results, including false-negatives, may occur. Both the timeframe in which testing occurs and the presence of blood, meconium, antifungal creams, or lubricants from vaginal exams can affect the results.

The FDA separately announced a recall for a single brand of ROM test (marketed as AmniSure) due to a malfunction that could impact how the results are interpreted.

Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM) refers to rupture of fetal membranes prior to labor in pregnancies <370/7thsweeks. It occurs in 3 percent of pregnancies and is responsible for one-third of preterm births.

The diagnosis of PPROM is clinical, based on visualization of amniotic fluid coming out of the cervical canal/pooling in the vaginal fornix of a woman who presents with a history of leaking fluid. Laboratory tests (eg, Nitrazine, fern, AmniSure, Actim PROM, ROM Plus) and ultrasound are used for confirmation in cases of clinical uncertainty.

If PPROM is not obvious after visual inspection, the diagnosis can be confirmed by testing the pH of the vaginal fluid, which is easily accomplished with Nitrazine paper. Amniotic fluid usually has a pH range of 7.0 to 7.3 compared with the normally acidic vaginal pH of 3.8 to 4.2 and the normal acidic pH of urine of 5.0 to 6.0.

Dr KK Aggarwal
Padma Shri Awardee
Vice President CMAAO
President HCFI


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