Morning MEDtalks with Dr KK Aggarwal

June 13, 2018
Morning Medtalks with Dr KK Aggarwal

Morning Health Talk :

New Delhi , June 13, 2018 ;

Mind Vision

Success is to move on the difficult turns because that is when others are slowing down.

Largest medical compensation in the history

Attorneys for Mercy Hospitals East Communities and Dr. Bryan J. Menges have filed an appeal in the largest malpractice judgment ever handed out by a Franklin County jury.

Last November, Vincent Lowe, 55, Union, was awarded more than $14.2 million in medical negligence damages against two Mercy doctors and two hospital subsidiaries. Lowe presented at Mercy Hospital Washington emergency department with abdominal pain April 30, 2014. Mercy Clinic East Communities accepted him for providing medical, surgical, emergency treatment and services to him. But instead Mercy’s agents, employees and staff breached those duties.

Lowe also sought an amended judgment for an additional $3.3 million in interest on the $14.2 million award.

As per the original judgment Lowe will receive a total of $12,820,990 for past economic damages, past noneconomic damages, future medical damages and future noneconomic damages.

Dr. Bryan Menges, D.O., and Mercy Hospital East Communities will be responsible for $9,259,604, or 65 percent of the total judgment. Dr. James Cassat, M.D., and Mercy Clinic East Communities will be responsible for $3,561,386, or 25 percent of the settlement. Lowe’s 10 percent fault of $1,424,554 was subtracted from the original $14.2 million award.

An amended judgment in February 2018 gave Mercy Hospitals 26 years to pay the more than $12.8 million in damages to Lowe in instalments. Past economic damages of $1,570,990, and $900,000 in past noneconomic damages, will be paid immediately.

Additionally, $900,000 in future noneconomic damages will be split into two payments of $450,000 each paid on an annual basis.

The largest sum of $9,450,000 in future medical damages would be paid to Lowe in periodic instalments as well. He would receive $988,134 immediately, $778,638 each year for years two through five and $707,486 per year for years six through 10.

At year 11, the annual payments will drop to $113,117 annually until the award is fully paid at year 26.

If upheld by the appeals court, the judgment would be the largest medical negligence award in Franklin County history and the second highest of any jury decision.

The top distinction goes to the Doncasters Inc. civil suit in 2006 after a plane crash near Sullivan where the families of seven victims received a total of $48 million in punitive and wrongful death awards by county jurors. (

Job dissatisfaction and relational disharmony: risk factors for heart attack

Among men with diabetes, coronary heart disease, or stroke — those with a demanding job but little control over decisions (job strain) have a higher risk of dying early. This risk is as great as the risk from smoking, even among the men with a healthy lifestyle and well-controlled blood pressure and diabetes. Interventions like stress management, job redesign, or reducing working hours may help. (June 5 in Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology).

WHO has classified playing video games on the internet as an official mental health disorder.

If you play candy crush read this.

Defined as ‘a pattern of gaming behavior characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences.

To be diagnosed with gaming disorder, the individual must

• Experience significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning

• Have experienced this impairment for at least 12 months

WHO advises gamers and parents to be mindful of how much time they, or their children, spend playing online games, particularly if it is to the exclusion of other daily activities, and be alert to changes in their ‘physical or psychological health and social functioning’ which could be attributed to gaming.


Dr KK Aggarwal
Padma Shri Awardee
Vice President CMAAO
President HCFI

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