Morning MEDtalks with Dr KK Aggarwal

July 5, 2018
Morning Medtalks with Dr KK Aggarwal

Morning Health Talk :

New Delhi, July 05, 2018 :

Nipah Update

ICMR has confirmed fruit bats were the primary source of the virus that killed 17 persons in Kozhikodeand Malappuram districts of the state earlier this year. The delay in identifying the zoonotic virus host occurred because the wrong bat species were trapped and tested in May. In the second round, samples from 55 fruit bats were collected and sent to National Institute of Virology in Pune.

Zika may cause more abortions than expected

According to an NIH study, published in Nature Medicine, fetal death in utero occurred in more than one-fourth of monkeys infected in the laboratory with Zika virus in early pregnancy.

Long working hours and diabetes

Women who work long hours have an increased risk of diabetes, a new study suggests. Researchers found women who work more than 45 hours a week have a significantly higher risk of developing the disease. But the same link was not found in men, according to the study published in the journal BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care

Death Rates May Be Lower When Patients See the Same Doctor

Lower death rates occur when patients see the same doctor over time as per authors of a study in BMJ Open.

Sir Denis Pereira Gray, who led the investigation, said: “There have been huge advances in technology – and they’ve had a lot of publicity – and one can argue that the human side of medicine has been a bit neglected.”

Sir Denis said the advantages of personal care have been established. “It’s been shown that it improves patient satisfaction, it improves the likelihood of a patient following medical advice, it improves the uptake of personal preventive medicine, and it reduces unnecessary admissions to hospital significantly.”

The study, a collaboration between St Leonard’s Practice in Exeter and the University of Exeter Medical School, investigated whether higher levels of continuity of care, in any setting, with any patient group, was associated with changed mortality.

Bollywood actress Sonali Bendre has been diagnosed with metastatic cancer.

Is there something like cancer of unknown primary?

CUP accounts for up to 4 to 5 percent of all cancer diagnoses.

CUPs can be classified into four categories


Squamous cell carcinoma

Neuroendocrine carcinoma, which may be either well differentiated or poorly differentiated

Poorly differentiated cancer

Accurate prediction of the tissue of origin using immunohistochemical staining and/or gene expression profiling is now possible in most CUP patients, and site-specific therapy based on these predictions is replacing empiric chemotherapy as the new treatment standard.

Dr KK Aggarwal
Padma Shri Awardee
Vice President CMAAO
President HCFI


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