Mera Bharat Mahan
New Delhi, September 09, 2019 :
Motor organs, sensory organs, Prana, (the life force) are all formed by the food we consume. When Ghee, oil or Tejas in the food gets digested, it is divided into three parts: The “crude” part makes bone, the middle part makes bone marrow and the subtle part makes the Karmendriyas (vak).
When the non-fat part of the food is digested, it too gets divided into three parts: The “crude” part makes the feces; the “middle part” Manas and the “subtle” part Jnanendriyas.
When the liquid part of the food is digested, it also gets divided into three parts. The “crude” part gets converted into urine, the “middle” part into blood and “subtle” into Prana.
This explains the process of fasting. A person can live without air for 3 minutes, without water for 3 days and without food for 3 weeks. The first effect of fasting unto death is cessation of speech, then hearing and then the prana and the Tejas.
The above is true in non-Samadhi state. In the state of Samadhi, your metabolism may be so slow that you may live longer without food. Even today many Jain Munis live without food for months.